Domestic shipment


We use UPS service as the major shipping method for domestic shipment (Except Hawaii, Puerto Rico and California).  The shipment charge will be estimated by the package weight, size and the destination. We will do the shipment within 24 hours once we receive your order and the payment (Except Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays). And once your order is shipped, you will receive the tracking information by email. If there is any delay for shipment or for some items that is out of stock, we will notify you by phone or email. Ground shipping dates are estimates and we are not guaranteed. If customers want any express shipment, please inform us when you place the order. We will try our best to find the right shipment method for our customers. Here is the UPS Grand shipping map from New York, this will help you to have an idea how many days your packages will arrive the destination.


Please note: If there is any damages or missing items due to the transit, please report to the UPS driver and/or contact UPS directly at 1-800-pick-UPS to file a claim. Freight damages & claims are the responsibility of the carrier and must be filed with them immediately.  If you need further assistance please feel free to contact our office within 3 business days of delivery. Also, please file the correct shipping address when you filling the information for us, otherwise an address correction fee will be additional $10 charge subject to customer.


If customers want to use a special shipping method or cargo arrangement, please also feel free to call us or email us to let us know.




International shipment


The international shipment, we usually use priority mail by US post office (For Canada area only) or some recommend carriers. For further shipping information please contact us.